
More Progressions!

Currently listening to Type O Negative ;__; but also have been blasting some Deftones, Combichrist and Collide as I pumped out this project!

Though Corel insists on acting like a twat waffle with me, I'm thinking about bringing in the piece to Sai when I'm nearing the end and then lastly put it through Photoshop so I can play with a background...though I know I want something to be glowing! O___O

He looks so pretty though o3o I'm hoping the end result will be pleasing!!!

And for those of you that are curious to know what I'm using...
  • Detail oil brush
  • Gouache- opaque smooth
  • Oil Pastel-soft oil pastel
  • Loaded wet sponge
  • Acrylic-captured bristle
  • Acrylic-wet soft
  • Soft air brush
  • Pastel- X-soft round
  • Gentle bleach (eraser in some areas)
  • Blenders-Just add water, Detail blender, soft blender stump

1 comment:

  1. OooO fancy fancy. That's why Corel is mean to you... You call it names lol XP
