Just Venting out some edginess that has had me grinding my teeth lately. Man-meme part 2 in the works? >D
Stress Relief.
Just Venting out some edginess that has had me grinding my teeth lately. Man-meme part 2 in the works? >D
Special Thank You Commish
Samantha (as her name is on dA o.O) was the first to donate to my pool on dA and as promised I am going to work on a commission for her.
This is the character she would like me to draw!
Her name is Kitty; and I plan to have fun with this since she said she wants me to have free reign on this.
I hope she enjoys the outcomes for this project! And as always will be posting up progressions so keep your eyes peeled.
In other updates:
Suppose to be moving into my new apartment tomorrow actually, going to go sign the lease around noon and start mooooving!! I couldn't be more excited and happy about this. Though it seems as of the late I've been bouncing everywhere with moving...since I JUST moved from my previous location like 4 months ago? So lucky for me and everyone else involved the majority of my junk is still packed. HUZZAH! Also now realizing...I've had over 10 room mates over the span of almost 3 years....whoa. Once I get settled in there aside from working at the hospitals and free lance, I'll get to posting make-up tutorials as people have been asking.
If you have any makeup requests about anything!! Comment and I'll get it into the works!
Also enjoy my latest memes of Doom!
Falling is the Last Thing I Feel.
So it's 26 days or so till I'm married and I believe I'm finally caught up with everything for the wedding. My groom to be now has pants and his groomsmen have clothes and shoes. Just mainly waiting on responses from peoples so I can get an official head count.
Also suppose to be moving out (Nick totally just dropped his guitar pic in the acoustic hahahaha) this weekend I believe. It was suppose to be tomorrow but they don't have the place ready yet. *huff huff puff house blows down* but I'm still giddy about it nonetheless despite minor set backs.
I haven't had a real chance to do anything personal for myself or to draw very much either which kinda makes me sad cause I have a looong laundry list of what I want to do for MYSELF as well as doing for others.
- Kai with a bird
- Cerberus choking Moshe
- Lara covered in Mud
- Dominico and Moshe shoulder up-Dom licking her cheek playfully.
- Tora Ã…berg concept
- Gabriel (arch) concept
- Dani concept
- Dominico concept
- Hannibal doing NOOOMS as Bossman and Tyler have an .___.' faces
- Girl blowing bubbles-bubbles eat at her skin
- Suck-Taste-Swallow
Pierre Armel DeVille aka Mairu Kaze
I'll always remember the sweet life....the good life.
Generated on Sat, 12 Jun 2010 02:09:34 -0700
Adriana's Existing Situation
"Works hard and is actively pursuing her goals; however, she feels unappreciated and doesn't see any reward for her efforts."
Adriana's Stress Sources
Unfulfilled hopes have lead her to be cautious and mistrusting. Insists she have full control over her actions and will not let anything hold her back or stand in her way. Unwilling to give up or surrender anything and demands a promise of safety against future setbacks or loss of status. Has no hope that things will get better in the future and this negative attitude lead her to make impossible demands and refuses to come to any sort of agreement.
Adriana's Restrained Characteristics
"Finds satisfaction in sexual activity, but is emotionally detached which prevents her from becoming too involved."
His arrogance causes her to take offense quickly. Only those closest to her know deep down she is sensitive and sentimental.
"He is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity, but can be restless and emotionally distant so she never really gets too involved with others."
"Believes her hopes and dreams are realistic and sticks to them stubbornly, even though circumstances are forcing her to compromise. Very precise in the qualities she seeks in a partner."
Adriana's Desired Objective
Is constantly trying to prove herself and make a positive difference though she is constantly faced with criticism and disapproval.
Adriana's Actual Problem
"Is resistant of outside pressures and control, or anything that stands in the way of her freedom to make her own decisions and plans. Works hard to establish and build her position and status."
Adriana's Actual Problem #2
"Has been disappointed and let down, believes it is pointless to come up with new goals as they will most likely disappoint as well. Needs to be recognized and respected, but is worried about the future. Reacts by avoiding situations where she will be criticizes or others will attempt to influence her. Tries to take charge of the situation by controlling the details and strengthen her position. "