
Special Project- Sirena

Due Tomorrow.

Some Work in progresses, and things for fun

First from the top is the new banner for my Role Playing Forum! www.bluedragonchronicles.proboards.com JOIN US TODAY!

Second from the top is a sketch I did referencing Miss Mosh on Deviant art- http://miss-mosh.deviantart.com/

Third from the top is a coloring W.I.P of the sketch below of my character Moselle "Moshe" Diana DiReno. I'm experimenting with coloring again, this one is going to have a fire next to her and the full moon in the back. (Totally ignore the cheap make of fire)

Fourth from the top is the sketch to the third.

And the last one is a quick speed color of Dominico wearing a mask (he looks so young!) , I was mainly just experimenting with trying to make something look metallic or mirrored...still working on that technique. Just have to Practice, Practice, PRRRAAAACTICE!

Finished "12 Inch Dopamine Injection"

Don't ask about the title, Dopamine is the feel good, loving hormone and 12 inch just a good number. Heh, anyhow the finished piece...not too shabby.

More of the Italian Stallion (no not Rocky...)

I'm not going to lie I had a lot of trouble with this piece, and was consistently consulting a friend of mine to help me with the problems. Thankfully her words of advice helped.

The problem you ask? He looked like a flaming gay boy. (Not that I have a problem with that, it's just the complete opposite of what I was going for) I had the issue of "Oh yeah, he's totally giving his bedroom eyes...just to a guy instead of a woman." Oooh well, so here's the struggling process of the lovely Dominico..isn't he just Faaaaaaaaabulous?

Done in Photoshop and at this point I'd worked a little over 10 hours on it?


Gently I Define You.

Tonight's progress....the really REALLY rough stage, going to try some new coloring I want it to look better! Must work harder!!!


Tangled in You.

Stage 1 of color blocking, using Photoshop this time around...well for now. Mac is so freaken pale compared to him XD

Okay so I'm finally getting around to drawing Dom X Mac

They're the cutest couple....and so violent!! It's amazing!

You're my world
The shelter from the rain
You're the pills
That take away my pain
You’re the light
That helps me find my way
You’re the words
When I have nothing to say

And in this world
Where nothing else is true
Here I am
Still tangled up in you
I’m still tangled up in you
Still tangled up in you

You're the fire
That warms me when I'm cold
You're the hand I have to hold
As I grow old
You're the shore
When I am lost at sea
You're the only thing
That I like about me

And in this world
Where nothing else is true
Here I am
Still tangled up in you
I’m still tangled up in you

How long has it been
Since this storyline began
And I hope it never ends
And goes like this forever

In this world
Where nothing else is true
Here I am
Still tangled up in you
Tangled up in you
I’m still tangled up in you
Still tangled up in you

A sweet Dom and Mac song!!! <3>



BDA Full cast MK style

Blue Dragon Chronicles full cast Mortal Kombat style.

Enjoy the abuse.

Original Characters belong to their rightful owners.


Stress Relief.

Just Venting out some edginess that has had me grinding my teeth lately. Man-meme part 2 in the works? >D

Enjoy The Abuse.


Special Thank You Commish

This featured art work respectfully belongs to...


Samantha (as her name is on dA o.O) was the first to donate to my pool on dA and as promised I am going to work on a commission for her.

This is the character she would like me to draw!
Her name is Kitty; and I plan to have fun with this since she said she wants me to have free reign on this.
I hope she enjoys the outcomes for this project! And as always will be posting up progressions so keep your eyes peeled.


In other updates:
Suppose to be moving into my new apartment tomorrow actually, goi
ng to go sign the lease around noon and start mooooving!! I couldn't be more excited and happy about this. Though it seems as of the late I've been bouncing everywhere with moving...since I JUST moved from my previous location like 4 months ago? So lucky for me and everyone else involved the majority of my junk is still packed. HUZZAH! Also now realizing...I've had over 10 room mates over the span of almost 3 years....whoa. Once I get settled in there aside from working at the hospitals and free lance, I'll get to posting make-up tutorials as people have been asking.

If you have any makeup requests about anything!! Comment and I'll get it into the works!


Also enjoy my latest memes of Doom!


Falling is the Last Thing I Feel.

So it's 26 days or so till I'm married and I believe I'm finally caught up with everything for the wedding. My groom to be now has pants and his groomsmen have clothes and shoes. Just mainly waiting on responses from peoples so I can get an official head count.

Also suppose to be moving out (Nick totally just dropped his guitar pic in the acoustic hahahaha) this weekend I believe. It was suppose to be tomorrow but they don't have the place ready yet. *huff huff puff house blows down* but I'm still giddy about it nonetheless despite minor set backs.

I haven't had a real chance to do anything personal for myself or to draw very much either which kinda makes me sad cause I have a looong laundry list of what I want to do for MYSELF as well as doing for others.

  • Kai with a bird
  • Cerberus choking Moshe
  • Lara covered in Mud
  • Dominico and Moshe shoulder up-Dom licking her cheek playfully.
  • Tora Ã…berg concept
  • Gabriel (arch) concept
  • Dani concept
  • Dominico concept
  • Hannibal doing NOOOMS as Bossman and Tyler have an .___.' faces
  • Girl blowing bubbles-bubbles eat at her skin
  • Suck-Taste-Swallow
Those are a few of the personal drawings I want to do :P So keep your eyes open for those random updates between my work for other people's. Anyhow going to go occupy my time with something useful...I don't know.



Pierre Armel DeVille aka Mairu Kaze

Current playlist: Ghost Machine and random love songs....*sappy mood much?*
Okay I just wanted to wrap this one up already so places like his ears and such aren't even too detailed. I like the outcome of it over all though, wish I would've done it so I could have taken then line art off but oh well. It was just a little something to get my swing back in the groove. And I've noticed I only do good with hands that are bog and close up...far away I struggle still...well I struggle doing smaller drawings anyhow...my traditional stuff can get to be like freaken beyond life size. Hence why it's cheaper for me to work with digital mediums. ANYHOW I hope you enjoy it, this was actually my 3rd attempt at drawing this character EVER the first time I tried I was maybe....13? Second time was about two years ago and now this! One of these I'll have to post the 'progress' of my skills...heh.


I'll always remember the sweet life....the good life.

I'm sappy I know... so sue me. Their just like an amazingly cute couple I heart Dom and Mac XD nyaaah~ I need/ want to draw them more. -lol- I love drawing couples it's better than drawing pin ups!

You're my world
The shelter from the rain
You're the pills
That take away my pain
You’re the light
That helps me find my way
You’re the words
When I have nothing to say

And in this world
Where nothing else is true
Here I am
Still tangled up in you
I’m still tangled up in you
Still tangled up in you

You're the fire
That warms me when I'm cold
You're the hand I have to hold
As I grow old
You're the shore
When I am lost at sea
You're the only thing
That I like about me

And in this world
Where nothing else is true
Here I am
Still tangled up in you
I’m still tangled up in you

How long has it been
Since this storyline began
And I hope it never ends
And goes like this forever

In this world
Where nothing else is true
Here I am
Still tangled up in you
Tangled up in you
I’m still tangled up in you
Still tangled up in you

(So Fitting for Dom and Mac as a couple)

Enjoy the Abuse.

Free personality analysis of Adriana.
Generated on Sat, 12 Jun 2010 02:09:34 -0700

Adriana's Existing Situation

"Works hard and is actively pursuing her goals; however, she feels unappreciated and doesn't see any reward for her efforts."

Adriana's Stress Sources

Unfulfilled hopes have lead her to be cautious and mistrusting. Insists she have full control over her actions and will not let anything hold her back or stand in her way. Unwilling to give up or surrender anything and demands a promise of safety against future setbacks or loss of status. Has no hope that things will get better in the future and this negative attitude lead her to make impossible demands and refuses to come to any sort of agreement.

Adriana's Restrained Characteristics

"Finds satisfaction in sexual activity, but is emotionally detached which prevents her from becoming too involved."

His arrogance causes her to take offense quickly. Only those closest to her know deep down she is sensitive and sentimental.

"He is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity, but can be restless and emotionally distant so she never really gets too involved with others."

"Believes her hopes and dreams are realistic and sticks to them stubbornly, even though circumstances are forcing her to compromise. Very precise in the qualities she seeks in a partner."

Adriana's Desired Objective

Is constantly trying to prove herself and make a positive difference though she is constantly faced with criticism and disapproval.

Adriana's Actual Problem

"Is resistant of outside pressures and control, or anything that stands in the way of her freedom to make her own decisions and plans. Works hard to establish and build her position and status."

Adriana's Actual Problem #2

"Has been disappointed and let down, believes it is pointless to come up with new goals as they will most likely disappoint as well. Needs to be recognized and respected, but is worried about the future. Reacts by avoiding situations where she will be criticizes or others will attempt to influence her. Tries to take charge of the situation by controlling the details and strengthen her position. "


I'm alive.

(He still looks a little wonky right now...I'm playing with the eyes and stuff right now but It's slowly coming along.)

Just a little wip to get back in the swing of drawing. This one has been sitting in the Current Work bin for awhile now so yeaaah....Enjoy the Abuse.


Shoe Fetish

So a friend of mine and I were discussing shoes for some reason a week or so ago, and since she already posted up her blog about various shoes of her tastes and likes I figured I'd do the same. I might stop being lazy some time and post up pictures of the more notable shoes that I own. But for the mean time feast your eyes on these beauties! Click on the images to make them bigger to behold more of their GLORY! As always Enjoy the Abuse.

Random shoes I browsed on the internet for hope you like the rest of the selection! Visit the websites provided for price details and more merchandise.

This Collection is by Iron Fist and can be found here http://www.shop.ironfistclothing.com/home.aspx

I actually own these!! I love them so much!

This collection of beautiful boots and heels can be found at http://www.newrockstore.com/zona1/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=723 So much more kick ass shoes there as well as clothing.

These just scream "DON'T TOUCH ME! I KILL YOU!"
Now this is a cowgirl boot I tell ya!

These boots here are 16" high....I have a bad Napoleon complex... I'd be be like 6'6" with these!


This set can be found at http://cryoflesh.com/shop/index.php Where they also have kick ass gas masks ADM!
Have I ever mentioned that I love heeled Mary Jane style shoes? And more with bullets!

These can be found at http://www.trashy.com/

I'd love these in freaken pink too!

These are a mix of Pleaser, Demonia, Bordello, Devious and Lucious. (The following shoes can be found at http://pleaserusa.com/index.asp

Screw your uggs for the winter! Imma stomp in these babys!
Since my other leopard shoes suffered a horrible death

And I obviously like shoes with bullets.....